Top 5 Reasons to Switch to Decentralized Storage for Personal Data Security 

Monisha Fernando
August 20, 2024
Decentralized Cloud StoragePersonal Storage

As more segments of our lives move online, the amount of personal data we generate, and store has also skyrocketed. In 2023 alone, it was reported that the average person generates around 1.7 megabytes of data every second.​ This massive influx of personal data has drawn more importance to personal data security. From social media profiles to financial records, health information, and even biometric data, our personal data is increasingly vulnerable to breaches and cyber-attacks. Every day, cyberattacks and data breaches make headlines, exposing sensitive information from millions of individuals. It’s no surprise that personal data security has become a top priority for both individuals and businesses alike. In response to these growing concerns, decentralized storage has emerged as a promising alternative to traditional centralized storage systems.

Data Breaches surged 490%

The number of data breach victims surged by 490% in the first half of 2024. Nearly 1.1 billion people have been affected so far this year, according to the latest report from the Identity Theft Resource Center. These breaches expose sensitive personal information, such as social security numbers, credit card details, and private communications. The consequences are severe; spanning identity theft and financial loss. A recent study reveals that nearly 90% of people view the violation of their privacy as a major societal threat. 

Yet, most widely used storage platforms rely on centralized storage models. Traditional centralized storage systems pose many risks, as they often require people to entrust their data to third-party providers. These centralized hubs are attractive targets for hackers, and a successful breach can expose the personal information of millions of users. 

For example, consider the 2023 breach of MoveIt, a widely used file transfer tool. The breach affected millions of users worldwide, and also impacted sensitive data from organizations like the BBC and British Airways. The attack compromised personal information including names, addresses, and national insurance numbers, showcasing the ongoing risks associated with centralized data storage solutions.

Fortunately, there is a solution—decentralized storage. It offers an advanced alternative, providing critical benefits that are particularly important for those concerned with data privacy, security, and autonomy. 

Read on to learn about the top 5 reasons to switch to decentralized storage for your personal data security. 

Reason 1: Enhanced Personal Data Security 

Decentralized storage offers a robust alternative to traditional centralized data storage, primarily due to its enhanced security features. Unlike centralized systems, where data is stored in a single location or a limited number of data centers, decentralized storage networks distribute data across numerous nodes worldwide. 

This approach inherently mitigates several risks associated with centralized data storage, providing superior protection against breaches, unauthorized access, and data loss.

Data Fragmentation and Encryption

One of the cornerstone security features of decentralized storage is data fragmentation coupled with encryption. When a user uploads data to a decentralized storage network, the data is first encrypted, ensuring that even if a portion of the data is intercepted, it remains unreadable without the proper decryption key. The encrypted data is then fragmented into smaller pieces, each of which is distributed across different nodes on the network. This process is known as “sharding.”

The advantage of sharding lies in its security implications. For instance, if a malicious actor were to gain access to one node within a decentralized network, they would only obtain a fragment of the encrypted data, which is meaningless without the other pieces and the decryption key. 

In contrast, a breach of a centralized storage system could potentially expose vast amounts of unencrypted or lightly encrypted data, leading to considerable data loss and privacy violations.

Resistance to Single Points of Failure

Centralized storage systems are notoriously vulnerable to single points of failure. A single breach, natural disaster, or technical malfunction can compromise the entire data repository, leading to catastrophic data loss or downtime. 

In contrast, decentralized storage networks are designed to be inherently resilient to such failures. Since data is distributed across numerous nodes, the failure of one or even several nodes does not compromise the availability or integrity of the data. 

The network can automatically recover the missing fragments from other nodes, ensuring continuous data access and minimal downtime. This fault-tolerant design is particularly crucial for protecting personal data, where loss or unavailability can have serious consequences.

Protection Against Cyber Attacks

Decentralized storage networks are also more resistant to various forms of cyber attacks. One of the most notable advantages is their resistance to Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. In a traditional centralized system, a DDoS attack can overwhelm the centralized servers by flooding them with traffic, effectively bringing the service down. 

However, in a decentralized network, there is no single target for the attack. The distributed nature of the network means that even if some nodes are overwhelmed, the system as a whole remains operational, and the data remains accessible.

Furthermore, decentralized networks utilize consensus mechanisms, such as Proof-of-Work (PoW) or Proof-of-Stake (PoS), to validate transactions and ensure the integrity of the data stored on the network. 

These mechanisms add an additional layer of security, thanks to multiple nodes that must agree on the validity of any data modification or retrieval request. Therefore, it becomes extremely difficult for a single malicious actor to manipulate the data.

Reason 2: Greater Privacy of Personal Data

The traditional centralized storage model requires users to trust third-party providers with vast amounts of personal information. These providers store this data but can also access, share, or even sell it—sometimes without the user’s explicit consent. 

Decentralized storage, conversely, offers a paradigm shift in how personal data is managed. It ensures greater privacy through enhanced control and security mechanisms.

Data Control and Ownership

Decentralized storage puts data control back in the hands of the user. In contrast, centralized systems often require users to agree to service providers’ terms, which may involve giving up certain rights over their data. 

When using popular cloud services like Google Drive or Dropbox, users’ data is stored in large data centers which the service providers own and operate. While these companies often employ robust security measures, the fact remains that they have full access to the data stored on their servers. 

For instance, while encryption protects your files, it only works if the encryption key is secure. On Google Drive, Google uses encryption but keeps the keys to all stored files. This means Google can access your files whenever they want, without your knowledge or permission.

This centralization creates a potential privacy risk, as data can be accessed by employees, sold to advertisers, or requested by government agencies.

In contrast, decentralized storage networks operate without a central authority. Data is encrypted, fragmented, and distributed across a network of independent nodes. Users retain control of the encryption keys, meaning that only they, or those they authorize, can access the data. 

This architecture ensures that even if a node operator wanted to access the data, they would be unable to do so without the appropriate decryption keys. Moreover, no authority, not even the government, can pressure or legally compel to hand over user data, greatly enhancing privacy​.

Anonymity and Data Sovereignty

Decentralized storage systems are often designed with privacy as a fundamental principle. 

Some decentralized storage solutions go a step further through incorporating privacy-focused features like anonymous data storage. These features ensure that the data is secure and the identity of the user is also protected. They offer a level of data sovereignty that is difficult to achieve with centralized services​. 

Data sovereignty is a central concept in decentralized storage, ensuring that digital information remains under the control of the individual or organization that owns it, rather than solely being subject to the jurisdiction of a particular country or centralized entity. This decentralized approach allows you to store and manage their data across a global network, free from the regulatory constraints and potential overreach of centralized authorities, thus enhancing both privacy and security.

Reason 3: Reliability and Redundancy

Traditional centralized storage systems, while efficient in some respects—such as offering fast data access and simple management—are prone to failures. These failures can lead to serious data loss or inaccessibility. 

Decentralized storage, on the other hand, is designed with reliability and redundancy in mind. It uses a distributed architecture to ensure that your data stays accessible and intact, even during unexpected failures, attacks or servers failure.

Redundancy Across Multiple Nodes

One of the fundamental principles of decentralized storage is redundancy. This refers to the duplication of data across multiple nodes within the network. Centralized data centers may have backup systems, but they are still vulnerable to localized failures including power outages, natural disasters, or cyber-attacks. As an example, in 2021, a fire at a data center in France caused widespread data loss for thousands of customers, highlighting the risks associated with centralized storage​.

Decentralized storage systems mitigate these risks via distributing data fragments across a global network of nodes. For instance, IPFS uses a content-addressable model where each piece of data is retrieved based on its content rather than its location. This ensures that data can be retrieved from any node that has a copy, vastly improving reliability​.

Fault Tolerance and Uptime

Decentralized storage is also engineered for fault tolerance. This is the system’s ability to continue operating correctly even when some components fail. If a node goes offline due to maintenance, technical issues, or even a cyber-attack, the network automatically routes requests to other nodes that hold copies of the required data.

For example, Züs offers configurable availability and reliability based on the number of parity shards. This feature allows users to configure availability to highly resilient levels, ensuring that your data and services remain accessible even in the rare event of multiple server failures or disasters, thereby enhancing overall data availability and reliability.  

Reason 4: Cost-Effectiveness

Decentralized storage offers enhanced security, privacy, and reliability. It also provides cost advantages over traditional centralized storage systems. This cost-effectiveness comes from the decentralized architecture’s ability to optimize resource utilization and reduce overheads. 

Additionally, it leverages market-driven pricing models. For both individuals and businesses, this can lead to substantial savings and a more efficient allocation of resources.

Lower Infrastructure Costs

Decentralized storage reduces infrastructure costs—a key driver of savings. Traditional centralized storage providers like AWS or Google Cloud require massive data centers with high costs for construction, maintenance, cooling, electricity, and security. These costs are often passed on to users. It leads to higher storage fees.

In contrast, decentralized storage networks don’t need dedicated data centers. Instead, they utilize existing storage resources from network participants, pooling unused storage space from various devices and servers worldwide. This model drastically cuts infrastructure costs. 

Pay-As-You-Go Pricing Models

Another advantage of decentralized storage is its flexible, cost-effective pricing. Centralized cloud providers typically charge fixed fees for storage, data retrieval, and bandwidth. This can add up quickly, especially if users’ storage needs fluctuate.

Decentralized networks like Filecoin and Sia offer market-driven pricing, allowing payment only for the storage you use. Providers on these networks compete by offering lower prices and better terms, reducing costs for users. 

Reduced Data Transfer and Egress Costs

In centralized storage, transferring or retrieving data often comes with hefty fees, especially when data crosses regions or networks. For individuals who frequently move data, these costs can add up.

Decentralized storage minimizes or eliminates these transfer fees. Some networks like Züs also offer free egress. Moreover, since data is stored across a global network of nodes, users can access it from the nearest available node, reducing retrieval time for the client and costs for the provider.

Scalability Without Additional Costs

Scaling storage with centralized providers can be expensive, often requiring upgrades to a higher service tier. This may force users to pay for more capacity than you need.

Decentralized storage, however, scales naturally as more participants contribute resources to the network. It is possible to expand your storage capacity easily and cost-effectively without expensive upgrades. This makes decentralized storage a particularly attractive option for individuals who need scalable, affordable solutions.

Reason 5: Data Transparency 

Decentralized storage is often lacking in traditional centralized storage systems. This transparency is a key feature that builds trust and accountability for users.

Higher Visibility

One of the primary advantages of decentralized storage is the higher visibility it offers. In traditional centralized systems, users have limited insight into how their data is stored and managed. Decentralized storage, though, operates across multiple nodes managed by independent participants. 

This distributed setup helps users to track exactly where and how their data is stored, providing greater visibility and control. As a reference, Züs Vult provides complete data transparency, enabling users to switch servers and locations based on performance, location, and cost.

Advantages of Blockchain Technology

Many decentralized storage platforms use blockchain technology to enhance transparency. Blockchain creates an immutable record of all transactions and data movements within the network. This means every action taken on your data—whether it’s being stored, accessed, or transferred—is fully transparent and verifiable. 

For example, on the Filecoin network, a public ledger is available where users can see the details of their storage agreements, including who is storing their data and the terms of that storage. Züs network goes even further, by allowing users to track where their data is stored, choose their providers, and track their file interactions in real-time.

Trust and Accountability

Decentralized storage builds trust by ensuring that no single entity has unchecked control over data. Users can verify all actions related to their data, eliminating the need to rely solely on the service provider’s assurances. 

This level of accountability is a significant advantage, giving users confidence that their data is handled securely and ethically.

Choosing the Right Decentralized Storage Provider for your Personal Data Security

Selecting the right decentralized storage network is essential for your personal data security. Here’s what to look for, along with features that some advanced networks provide:

Personal Data Security

Prioritize networks offering robust encryption and sharding, where your data is split into encrypted fragments and stored across multiple locations. Some networks enhance security further by using blockchain technology to track all data activities transparently. Look for those that also permit secure data sharing without compromising confidentiality.

Privacy and Data Ownership

Choose a network that gives you full control and ownership of your data, ensuring only you can access it. Advanced networks offer end-to-end encryption and keep your data private, even from the network operators. They also provide mechanisms to ensure that your files remain completely confidential, with no access granted to any external entities.


Select a network with high redundancy, meaning your data is stored across multiple nodes to ensure it’s never lost. Look for networks designed for high uptime and fault tolerance, which automatically repair data allocations to maintain integrity and availability, even during failures or attacks.


Consider networks with flexible pricing models, such as pay-as-you-go, which can be more cost-effective for varying storage needs. Some networks also reduce costs by offering free data egress and optimizing resource usage, making them both economical and efficient.


Ensure the network integrates smoothly with your existing tools and has an active support community. Look for solutions that allow you to switch providers easily if needed, ensuring continuous performance and data integrity. Additionally, some networks are designed to be eco-friendly, minimizing their environmental impact through efficient use of resources.

Why Vult Stands Out for Personal Data Security

Vult sets itself apart in the highly competitive decentralized file storage and sharing market through its innovative approach to personal data security, privacy, data integrity and high uptime. Unlike traditional cloud storage solutions, Vult operates on a decentralized network powered by blockchain technology. This setup encrypts data and also fragments and distributes it across multiple servers in various geographic locations. Additionally, all data activities are tracked on the blockchain, ensuring they remain tamper-proof. This architecture gets rid of any single points of failure and significantly enhances data resilience.

Furthermore, a standout feature of Vult is its use of proxy re-encryption, which makes secure data sharing possible without compromising confidentiality. This is specifically important for industries handling sensitive data, where breaches can have serious consequences. Vult’s decentralized storage model also gives users greater control over their data. 

If performance issues arise, users can easily switch providers, and the system automatically repairs data allocations to ensure integrity. These capabilities make Vult an excellent choice for those who prioritize security and privacy.

Furthermore, Vult addresses the growing demand for stronger data security in today’s time. It offers robust protection against data breaches and cyberattacks, making it essential not just for high-risk industries but for all users who value enhanced security.

Vult Key Features for Personal Data Security

  • High Security: Vult protects your data by storing fragments across multiple locations, safeguarding it from hackers, breaches, and ransomware. Züs also leverages blockchain technology to record all operations transparently, letting users track data changes and monitor where and how their data is stored.
  • Total Privacy: With Vult, your files remain completely private. Unlike other storage solutions, no one but you can access your files. User data is fully controlled by the user, with no access granted to external entities, which includes governments.
  • Secure Sharing: Vult promises secure sharing of sensitive information while maintaining privacy and data confidentiality. You can easily share files with complete peace of mind, knowing that only those you authorize can view your data—Züs itself never can.
  • Fast Performance: Vult enables faster uploads and downloads by allowing you to process multiple files simultaneously through parallel processing, making data transfers quicker and more efficient.
  • Effortless Backups: Users can create cost-effective backups across different servers, enhancing both data redundancy and security.
  • Eco-Friendly Design: Vult is designed with the environment in mind, minimizing disk space usage, which in turn reduces energy consumption and lowers its carbon footprint, making it a greener choice.

Personal Data Security Through Decentralized Storage

As digital threats continue to grow, the need for more secure, private, and reliable data storage solutions is also on the rise. Against this backdrop, decentralized storage offers a compelling alternative to traditional centralized systems. It provides enhanced security, greater privacy, improved reliability, cost-effectiveness, and data transparency. 

Through decentralizing the storage process, users can regain control over their data. This ensures that it remains safe, private, and accessible only to those they authorize.

For individuals, switching to decentralized storage is not just a matter of improving data security. It’s about adopting a future-proof solution that aligns with the growing demands for digital privacy and autonomy. 

With advanced platforms like Vult by Züs leading the way, the transition to decentralized storage has never been easier or more beneficial. Whether you’re concerned about cyberattacks, privacy violations, or just want a more reliable and cost-effective way to store your data, decentralized storage is a wise choice. It offers a strong solution for safeguarding your personal information. 


How does Vult by Züs ensure data privacy security when files are shared?

Züs Vult uses proxy re-encryption methods to maintain the confidentiality of shared files. This technology guarantees that only authorized users can access the data, providing high levels of privacy and control.

How does decentralized storage enhance business security compared to traditional cloud storage?

Decentralized storage, as implemented by Vult by Züs, improves security through the distribution of data across multiple nodes. This approach reduces central points of failure and minimizes the risk of data breaches, which is particularly beneficial for sectors handling sensitive information.

How does Vult’s performance and speed compare with other cloud storage providers?

Vult achieves high-speed performance through parallel data processing and a decentralized architecture. This ensures efficient data transfer rates that often match or exceed those of traditional cloud storage providers.

What benefits does decentralized storage offer for my business?

Decentralized storage enhances security, data resilience, and privacy. Distributing data across numerous nodes prevents single points of failure and reduces the likelihood of data breaches.

How does Züs Vult manage data recovery in the event of a node failure?

Vult maintains data resilience through its decentralized architecture, which redistributes data fragments to other nodes and uses automated repair mechanisms. This ensures data remains accessible and secure even if some nodes fail.

Learn more about Züs, Decentralized Storage Full Control Over Data Security and Privacy

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